There is a term that strikes fear into the heart of many Cursillistas, it is “School of Leaders”. Specifically, the term Leader.
“It seems elitist – not for me, after all, I don’t see myself as a leader”.
The truth is, I am a leader. Not necessarily in the sense that society describes it, but rather as a leader for Christ in my own environment.
We are called to Christianize our environments and we can only do that by BEING that person who is living our Christian Ideal, BEING a person trying to live the gospel of love in our environment.
I am that leader when I live that love. Love of God, and love of neighbor.
Sooo… What is a Cursillo “School of Leaders”?
The School of Leaders is not a school in the academic sense. Instead, it is a school gathering in friendship to share ideas, experiences on our journey and how to best apply the Cursillo method so that our process of conversion is both ongoing and progressive.
It is a gathering of people journeying together, who desire to accelerate the conversion process. It’s a tool in the Cursillo method to help each of us to become the person God has called us to be. To grow in Our Love of Christ and those He puts in our life.
We would love to have you come and journey with us as we encounter ourselves, Christ and each other.
“As paradoxical as this may seem, the Cursillo Movement is born from a school and not the reverse. […] The school precedes the Cursillos, since it is within it that Cursillo was born, it is within it that it still gets its sustenance and it is from it that it expands. At all times, the school has been – and continues to be – the pillar essential for the continuity and development of the Cursillo Movement. “ (no. 530 and 531)