Encounter Jesus Christ
Fourth Day
The Three Day Cursillo Weekend is a very special time of encountering Jesus Christ in a community of love; however, Cursillo is not just a weekend. The post-Cursillo is your Fourth Day journey after the three-day Cursillo Weekend. After the weekend you enter your “Fourth Day” which lasts for the rest of your life
Cursillo weekend
As you continue in the life of grace and seek ways to be an effective apostle for Christ among the people you know, you will be supported by some of the key thoughts expressed during the Three-Day weekend and by other Cursillistas.
You will be invited to join a Grouping (or group reunion), a small group of people who meet on a regular basis (weekly or biweekly) to pray together, to share their joys and sorrows, and to support each other as active Christians in their own environments. Groupings are held frequently when several people gather together for mutual encouragement and support through PRAYER, STUDY, and ACTION.
You’re invited
Ways to Get Involved

You will be invited to Ultreyas, larger regional or Diocesan gatherings, where Cursillistas join in worship and sharing their lives and the love of God. Ultreyas are meetings of larger groups of people who have either participated in a Cursillo weekend or who might be interested in doing so. Here, Cursillastas share and witness to others so that their own faith and community can be built up.

School of Leaders
The School of Leaders provides a place for continuing growth and understanding of the Church, the Cursillo Movement and the environments in which we find ourselves. Members of the Secretariat are drawn from and supported by the School of Leaders.