



Cursillo, which was started in Majorca, Spain in the 1940s by Eduardo Bonnín Aguiló, is a movement that is endorsed and highly encouraged within the Catholic Church. The founders were dedicated to helping Catholics know Christ better. The intention, then and now, is to give participants a renewed spirituality and a clearer understanding of how Christ can work through them to change the environments in which they live.

  • The Cursillo Movement came to the United States in 1957. That first weekend was held in Texas and was conducted in Spanish. The first weekend in Cincinnati was held in 1962, more than 50 years ago.

  • Learn more about Eduardo Bonnín Aguiló and the roots of the Cursillo Movement on the websites of National Cursillo and the Fundación Eduardo Bonnín Aguiló.

More about

The purpose of the Cursillo Movement

Generate FRIENDSHIP among people that we find in our moveable square meter in which the Lord has placed us, so that everyone, especially those far away, might come to know that God, in Christ, loves them.

The Cursillo Movement is an encounter with Christ. It promotes a spiritual revitalization of ourselves and the world around us. By living a fully Christian life, we bring Christ to others, including members of our family, school, workplace, parish etc. Cursillo develops a consciousness that we are called to be spiritual leaders in all aspects of our lives.

Meet our amazing team

The Secretariat

The Cursillo Secretariat is the group of leaders – clergy and lay people – who orient, animate, and serve the Cursillo Movement. Leaders are presented by the council and appointed by the bishop.

Members of the Secretariat come from the School of Leaders, and should always see themselves as being of service to the whole Movement. Being a member of the Secretariat does not remove one from being part of the School, rather their selection places them in a position to be of even greater service to the Movement.

The Secretariat supports the total work of the Movement in its three phases: Pre-Cursillo, Cursillo and Post-Cursillo (4th Day). Authority to do so comes from the local bishop who charges the Secretariat to implement the Movement according to the norms and guidelines established by National Cursillo.

The Secretariat meets the third Wednesday of every month alternating between Incarnation PAC (Centerville, Ohio) and St. Margaret Mary Cincinnati, Ohio).

Blake Rinderle

Lay Director

Frequently asked questions

Answers to some commonly asked questions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us directly.

What is Cursillo (Cur-SEE’-yo)2024-03-14T14:35:25+00:00

Spanish word meaning “short course,” or in this case “A Short Course in Christian Living.” It is an opportunity to grow in faith and in spirituality.

What is Ultreya?2024-03-14T14:37:48+00:00

Ultreya is the place where all Cursillistas come together and grow as a witnessing apostolic community. Guests (non-Cursillistas) are always welcome! It is a great place to find out more info. An Ultreya is not parish specific. Usually, parishes share the responsibility of hosting. We encourage Cursillistas from all parishes to attend and bring a dish to share for dinner.  Someone will give a witness talk and grouping and of course the music we love to sing. Your parish representative is a great resource to find out where to attend an Ultreya.

What happens on the weekends?2024-01-15T23:19:49+00:00

Throughout the weekend participants will pray together, attend daily mass, have an opportunity to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and attend Eucharistic Adoration. Typically, by the end of the weekend, candidates have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and a better understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit.

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