Getting started

Interested in attending a weekend?

You will need a Sponsor (someone who has previously attended a Cursillo Weekend, and/or has been actively involved in the Cursillo movement).

  • Talk to your Sponsor about the Cursillo Weekend. There are no secrets, but there are things we refrain from talking about so that you can openly enjoy the weekend without higher expectations.

  • Ask your potential Sponsor or someone you know who has attended a Cursillo Weekend to take you to an Ultreya. This will give you some of the flavors of a weekend.

  • With the help of your Sponsor, you will need to complete and submit your an application for the Cursillo Weekend.



Need help finding a Sponsor?

Our consultation is always in sync with your strategy

Start within your parish by asking your parish priest about the Cursillo Movement. Contact us if you still need help identifying a sponsor in your area.

Ready to submit an Application?

Select the appropriate application to submit

Attendee Application

Apply Online

Sponsor Application

Apply Online